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Wednesday, October 17, 2012


What do you know, Barack Obama showed up for the second debate last night! In the first one, I don't know where he was or what he was trying to prove, except perhaps he thought by being quiet and restrained he would look Presidential.  Obama took a severe cuffing from the pugnacious mitts of Mitt and seriously (not fatally) hurt his cause.

Last night he remembered it was a debate and not a photo-op in dignity. Debates are rarely won by logic but by scoring points that keep your opponent off-balance  and edgy. The President's aggressive style, though perhaps repugnant to him, was effective against an opponent who just keeps boring in. (To me. most of Mitt's points are boring, but aggressive he is...) I believe Obama stanched the flow of blood and demonstrated that he could mix it up when necessary and score some points.

It  was a political Ali-Frazier rematch. Mitt as Smokin' Joe just keeps boring in, trying to corner his opponent, while Obama as Ali, rope-adoped on occasions and got in some good telling shots that hurt. So, round two to Obama.

Going into the third round. they're now even in debates. You can be sure Mitt will continue smoking and jabbing with his "Jobs, Jobs Jobs" punching. The President must continue his controlled aggression, taking a few shots to counter with bigger ones of his own. I still think, in addition to poking fun at the inconsistencies of Mitt's "new math" in reducing the deficit, he should also nail Mitt on his inconsistencies: i.e., how do you create a health plan for Massachusetts, the model for Obamacare, and then turn about and totally reject it,except on grounds of fear of losing his conservative base--- how could it be so wrong and yet so effective in Massachusetts? And he shouldn't be afraid to use his mantra of "the 47%" a few times. Obama also needs to deal in some specifics as to programs desired, stress again the obstinacy ever since he was elected by the Republicans to block any plan he backs (for example, Mitch McConnell stating that the main job of Congress from 2008 on was to stop Obama's legislation and get him beaten in 2012), even when he tried to reach across the aisle.

As I said, you don't win debates by being gentlemanly. The president doesn't have to sling mud---but he can be aggressive in defense of his programs and antagonistic to Mitt's philosophy. It should be very stimulating.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't watch the debates, well, I did watch about the last three minutes, then watched some of the commentary which followed. My mind has long been made up about these fellows and I have already voted which some seniors can do by mail. It's all interesting but I will be so glad when this election is over and behind us.

    PS: my new URL is westtexastransplant, known as Scribbles on my Scratch Pad..
