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Friday, October 18, 2013


Most of you are too young to remember Saturday Morning Serials that always preceded the Saturday Western or action film.

Once again Hairbreadth Harry and his merry band (a.k.a John Boehner and Republican stalwarts) have caught the fair maiden just as she was toppling over the precipice---in spite of the efforts of the archvillain, Crabby Appleton (a.k.a. Ted Cruz) to thwart the rescue. How many times have we seen this tired old Saturday Morning serial?

And, once again, a bandaid has been applied on a wound requiring stitches and layers of dressing. Will we apply another bandaid in February, or, hope springing eternal in the human breast, will the politicos get serious and really get down to work in a bi-partisan effort to govern; yes, I said govern! Do you remember that word? It’s what governments, by definition, are supposed to do, In the case of Congress, govern means legislate, and legislate means thinking out courses of action for the good of all the people and enacting these actions into law.

I don’t know if it can happen in view of the fractured schismatic cesspool which Congress has become. The ability to sit down seriously together and find common ground seems to be a lost art. I hope I’m wrong.

I love America---and I have never been more ashamed of her government. The rest of the world must be shaking their heads and saying, “What the hell has happened over there?  Have they lost their senses?” The answer, apparently, is yes. How a power of our magnitude can lose its way so violently has to frighten the rest of the world. As the President inferred, our enemies are licking their chops; our competitors are rubbing their hands with glee; our friends are shaking their heads in sorrow. It is not a pretty sight.

The Republicans have rarely stood lower in public esteem, although the Democrats and the President aren’t a helluva lot better in ratings. I note that Big Business America, the bankroll for the G.O.P., is alarmed at the fractious nature of their party and its vociferous active minority called the Tea Party and want to start putting some money into campaigns to support more reasonable candidates. But then you have the cavernous deep pockets of the Koch Brothers supporting the Tea Party. I hope Big Business puts its money where its mouth is.

As an alcoholic attests at an AA meeting, admit we have been drunk and now are seeking sober ways. We have to get back on the path of responsible government. I pray it’s not too late.

Monday, October 7, 2013


I suppose you could call what is going on in Congress a carnival or circus, except for the fact that circuses and carnivals are supposed to be fun. This display of misplaced intransigence and face-saving by the Republicans reminds me of the old adage about the lunatics running the asylum.

How a minority can hold a country hostage is a travesty against democracy.  The antics of the ringleader and prime voice of this opposition, Senator Ted Cruz, Canadian-born but an American citizen, make one think he is really an alien from outer space.  Cruz is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Princeton and a Cum Laude lawyer from Harvard Law School, impressive credentials but somewhere along the line his natural conservatism skewed into radical demagoguery fed by a massive ego. But he has a cadre of fellow Tea Partyites in the House, as well as the Senate, who go along with his garish side show. A House Leader who has forgotten how to lead doesn’t help.

America needs contrasting parties: Conservatives vs. Liberals, Federalism vs. States Rights, Pro-Life vs. Choice, Big Spenders vs. Austerity Hawks.  This is how democracy is supposed to work. Above all, however, is the National Interest where the good of the country is first priority. That national interest is being violated by the intransigence that refuses to fund the government and to increase the debt limit, Once more, in the eyes of the world, the American limousine is seen careening toward a deep abyss, and they must shake their heads and wonder.

Oh, I believe at the last possible minute, the debt crisis will be averted, probably with some temporary measure which will have to be dealt with again in the near future. This is not the way to run a government. 

In a divided government such as we have, true bi-partisanship has to be the answer, Lots of things need attention: Obamacare, tax reform, job creation, social security, infrastructure renovation and other pressing problems. Instead of holding the government hostage, pass the necessary legislation to fund the government, raise the debt ceiling and then form a bi-partisan commission to study and make recommendations for our many priorities. Work together, compromise but keep the good of the country the number one priority.

It used to work that way. Have we changed that much? Give it a try. Let’s try statesmanship and end the circus.