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Monday, March 5, 2012


"In an earlier time, St. Augustine captured the sense of what is required in civil discourse: 'Let us, on both sides, lay aside all arrogance. Let us not, on either side, claim that we have already discovered the truth. Let us seek it together as something which is known to neither of us. For then only may we seek it, lovingly and tranquilly, if there be no bold presumption that it is already discovered and possessed.'"

This quotation is from a blog commentary by John J. DeGiola, the President of Georgetown University, entitled “On Civility and Public Discourse” in which he reaffirms the necessity in a democracy for civil discussion and debate of conflicting views on issues. The Sandra Fluke (a Georgetown law student)/Rush Limbaugh confrontation inspired his analysis. I would recommend it as compulsory reading in good political sense. It is available on “The Huffington Post”.

Limbaugh is famous for hyperbole and overstatement, and in this instance he seemed to do a thorough job of offending women who want choice in their lives. The debate of Pro Life vs. Choice is one of the prime issues of our time, igniting incendiary emotions on both sides. Personally, I am for Choice, as I think a woman’s right to choose is a Godgiven privilege. Within my own family both views are represented. It is one of the hot button issues of our age. I am willing to accept reasonable limitations on Choice and accept the premise that a human life is sacred and that certain limitations exist in the time frame of pregnancy where abortion should be performed. I also still think it is not a subject for governmental mandates but a matter of personal choice, Of course it is too late for that as the debate concernning Roe vs. Wade rages on and will end up back in the hands of the Supreme Court one day.

Behaviour on both sides of the issue is too often inflammatory and vicious. Until we learn to follow St. Augustine’s sage advice quoted above, we will not solve the problem. Let us seek together.

1 comment:

  1. Your approach is too sensible. It will not happen in this election year. It's the way politics should operate.
