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Thursday, November 18, 2010


I saw an excerpt from Baba Wawa's upcoming interview with Sarah Palin where Palin says she believes she can beat Barack Obama and is considering a run. This latter declaration hardly comes as a shock since she has been running from the day after the election of 2008. I also see in a poll that 80% of Republicans favor her. It makes me wonder how I ever could have been affiliated with that party. She is relatively young and attractive, splendid qualities but not necessarily paramount in determining suitability for the Presidency. She is shrewd and has latched on to that malaise and winter of our discontent so prevalent today in our faltering economy.

She has a huge "P.R." force working for her, and I think it is reflected in the recent Dancing with the Stars results where "Operation Bristol" has mounted an incredibly effective campaign to take Bristol Palin undeservedly to the finals of the dancing show. I bet it's all part of that smooth machine generating publicity for the Palin name.

Are you getting as tired of soundbites and image-making as I am?


  1. Yes I am. She still has zero gravitas.

  2. Hard to tell what motivates some of us, causes us to do what we do. By the time 2012 rolls around Ms. Palin may be the Top Gun with Romney and Barber and the Reverend Governor, and several others lines up to be on her ticket. Then we could truly say we are a shining light, held up for all to see, and laugh at.
