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Saturday, November 13, 2010


It's been a long month. My wife and I arrived home yesterday after thirteen days in Atlanta with our middle daughter who had surgery but is progressing well. Prior to that we had visited our youngest daughter who had suffered a concussion, hematomas and lots of stitches in a bike accident. She is much improved but must be careful for some time. We are catching our collective breaths before we return for Thanksgiving with youngest daughter and family on the east coast of Florida.

Obama had a bad week abroad, as well, running into international resistance to his proposed fiscal plans at the G-20 meetings, failing to reach a trade agreement with South Korea and sparring with China over their monetary policy. He is rapidly learning that national self-interest trumps international agreements.

The one bright international event was the freeing in Myanmar (Burma) of that amazing freedom fighter/woman, Aung San Suu Kyi, who was allowed to go free after seven and a half years of house arrest. Here's hoping freeedom can ultimately triumph over the military junta and despotic warlords of Burma. She won a free and legitimate election as President of the country some years ago but was not permitted to serve and then effectively jailed by the generals.

So, between Aung San and my two recovering daughters, things are looking up! Maybe the President will get lucky, too, but it looks like a stormy course ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes its tough to do what you and your wife have done, but some things are necessary and it makes you feel good to be able to help your kids.

    I think the political situation is going to be stormy, so much so that some time I have trouble watching politics on the tube and have to tell myself that by voting I have done all I can do and the whole thing is out of my hands. What will be, will be. The biggest problem seems to be there are a bunch of crazies turned loose on the land and some of them are in positions of influence and can cause bad things to happen to good people. Common sense is not to their liking.I hope for the best.
