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Friday, March 25, 2011


I noted in an early blog this month that I took a fall, slipping and falling hard on the garage concrete floor. I had a doctor's appointment by pure chance that day, and he gave me a lookover and saw nothing was broken. At that time I had a small bruise on my butt, but, wow, did that expand: in the next few days, it looked like I was wearing purple underwear as I was deeply bruised from groin to full right cheek of my butt. He later x-rayed me and confirmed no break but also confirmed that my L-4 and L-5 lower lumbar discs were severely compressed and suggested I see a neurosurgeon.

I did so yesterday, and the neurosurgeon is suggesting a round of three shots and extensive physiotherapy. It is obvious that the fall aggravated my sciatica and, he and I hope, the treatment will give me some relief. That failing, he could operate for a stenosis, a narrowing of the spine putting pressure on the sciatic nerve, which can be opened up to relieve the pressure through surgery. Naturally, I would prefer not to be cut. I always remember an old friend who used to say, "Doctors practice---and I don't want them practicing on me."

It has not been a fun month, as walking, sitting,bending and most activities hurt. In the last few days I can walk without pain and the bruising has finally gone, so at least I feel human again.

I think I'll cancel the month of March and start over again!


  1. Ouch. Here's hoping you improve without them practicing on you.

  2. Actually, it's a pretty simple procedure. An old friend of mine had the stenosis operation and was home, feeling painfree, the next day. But I'll try therapy first.
