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Monday, June 21, 2010


Prior to leaving for our summer in England, we visit family in the Toledo, Ohio area. I am an Ohioan by birth, and it is always enjoyable to "come home". I love Florida and our island paradise, but it is good to escape the steam bath atmosphere of southwest Florida in the summer.

I also love the lushness of Ohio in the early summer before extreme heat dies it out and dulls the green. We had dinner outside on my daughter's and son-in-law's patio on the occasion of the visit of their eldest daughter and her boyfriend to whom she will be married next year in South Carolina where they both live. It was one of those soft nights with a gentle breeze, a sunset like a Monet painting and, much to my grandaughter's amd my delight, an armada of fireflies (or lightning bugs to us midwesteners). We don't have them in South Carolina or Florida, so this was a real treat. My granddaughter reverted to her childhood and chased several lightning bugs around to capture them, and, if my old knees were better, I would have joined her!

The midwest in early summer has its own unique softness and verdancy. Rain in the spring had been heavier than usual and the result was this extra lushness. The only problem with it is that you have to mow the lawn more frequently. but it will dry out soon enough when the oppressive midwestern heat gains momentum and control.

In the meantime, it is a special time, and I'm sure the English poet, William Blake, won't mind if I use his line applied to England and apply it to Ohio; it is truly 'a green and pleasant land".


  1. Unless you're mowing the lawn every 3 days.

  2. My place is greener this year, too. We've five inches more rainfall than last year at this time.

    How was the vacation? How'd you find the Brits and the Scots? Are they having to tighten up their budgets under the new regime?
