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Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I knew corporate greed and indifference to public opinion were alive and well. as always, but BP is raising the bar to new standards.

How do you pay enough to compensate for the oil spill damage which may take years to clean up and can affect industries and ways of life ruinously? How would you feel if you were a Louisiana oysterman or a beach motel owner, for example? BP's spokespeople are looking suitably contrite and uttering the expected apologies, but that just doesn't alter the facts that their company has a long-standing reputation for violations of safety regulations and for ammorality, shoddiness and negligence. It is reaching, I hope, criminal proportions where legal penalties can begin to hurt.

I wonder if American fury and antagonism to BP is showing at the gas pump. The average citizen feels even more frustrated than normal at times like this. A good boycott of BP gas stations might hit them where their hairs are short and at least reflect in a decrease in the bottom line which is their lifeblood.

At least, it might make a lot of us feel a tad better that our small contribution to loss of sales and profit to BP could make a notable hit on BP. They've earned it!

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