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Friday, February 12, 2010


"Sixty percent of those polled say Obama understands the problems of people like themselves while 37 percent do not. By comparison, Americans say by 54 percent to 42 percent that Democrats do not understand their problems and by 62 percent to 35 percent that Republicans do not.Sixty-two percent believe Obama is trying to work with Republicans while the same percentage believe Republicans are not trying to work with Obama. Seven out of 10 of those surveyed believe Obama and Republicans should compromise more with each other. Fifty-six percent blame Obama and Congress equally for the gridlock on health care reform, with 37 percent putting the onus on Congress and only 5 percent on Obama."

These are the results of a recent New York Times/C.B.S. poll. I don't really trust polls where results are subject to the whims and caprices of the moment, but I think a truth is self-evident here---nobody is very happy with the state of affairs in the nation, blaming Obama, Democrats and Republicans and also noting that the Republicans earn a reputation for obstruction.

How long do we have to put up with a spitting contest with both parties standing behind their party lines and sniping at each other? The President has offered, for example, a bipartisan meeting to talk about health care reform. Isn't it worth a try? Can we forget suspicions and differences long enough to seek common ground and talk to each other in an attempt to work out a plan? Nobody is happy with the proposed health care plans, riddled with compromises, inconsistencies and shameful pandering to special interests just to get a plan through congress.

Open up the discussion. There have to be certain points both sides will agree on. Seek them out as a starting point and go from there. It's time to think like Americans, not Democrats or Republicans, for the greatest good for the greatest number. People, talk to each other! Remember how that's done? You sit down and try to keep your mind open to new ideas. Give it a shot. It's a good rule of thumb for most political ideas, not just health care.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it's going to happen. Nobody has the balls to break ranks and get something done for the good of all.
