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Saturday, June 23, 2012


The LGBT did not advance their cause yesterday by one of the invited guests at the White House flipping twin birds at a portrait of Ronald Reagan. Mind you, I understand that Reagan was, to put it mildly, not a favorite of the gay community in his unfeeling stance about AIDS. If you are trying to convince straight America that the gay community should be accepted as a part of America---which it is---that is not a very good job of p.r.in winning converts to your cause.

I have never been homophobic, having had many gay friends throughout my long life. I have always cringed, however, when I see blatant examples of gay pride going over the top, like floats in gay pride parades showing gay couple simulating sexual contact, which is an infantile way to "promote" your cause. March in a parade, fine, but don't make a billboard of your sexuality.I don't give a damn what anyone does in the privacy of his or her bedroom: simply don't force your views on me.

The LGBT is winning the battle of acceptance. Like Civil Rights, it is not quick enough for those seeking full rights. But flipping birds in theWhite House does not win friends and influence people and only sets back the cause. I realize such incidents are rare and that the vast majority of gays and lesbians go about their business of seeking acceptance and fitting into daily life.

Be smart, LGBT. Just keep on fighting the good fight.


  1. Okay, I had to Google LGBT to find out what the letters stood for. I agree there is today more support for gays than ever before but I too cringe when I see examples of gay pride demonstrated in this manner. I've never had any gay friends and I know there are many who still oppose gays in their quest for equal treatment.

  2. Can I shoot his portrait the bird for trickle down economics?

  3. That would seem reasonable, Grumpy.
