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Monday, April 19, 2010


I note in the news today that Timothy J. McVeigh, the Oklahome City bomber of fifteen years ago, made tapes while imprisoned prior to his execution with a journalist he trusted, Lou Michel, who has co-authored "American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing", 45 hours of which were shared with MSNBC and to be shown on MSNBC as "The McVeigh Tapes: Confessions of an American Terrorist". I reckon they are truly chilling as he in a plain-spoken, matter-of-fact and unrepentant manner recounts his tale.

I hope that enough sane people watch it to recognize what a danger such psychopaths are in today's tumultuous hate-filled times. I hope and pray that the extreme right-wing nut cases don't become inspired by it. So many of these crazies believe that any action, including shedding blood, is justified in the name of their perverse interpretation of liberty and, like McVeigh (and so many Muslim terrorists), are willing to accept martyrdom. It is in precarious economic times like today that such extremists are spawned.

I find it frightening and a real danger. "These are the times that try men's souls."


  1. I was thinking the other day, fleshpot, only the Civil War and the Joe McCarthy era back in the fifties, have we as a people been so divided and things been in such a mess. With all this gun and Hitler talk I'm surprised the extreme right has not shot somebody.

    I was also thinking if you listed all them singers under your favorite music, off the top of your head and didn't have to look some of them up, you've been keeping all that Grey matter in good shape. Keep it up. I enjoyed browsing your blog. Regards.

  2. Thanks for your comments. i still love jazz and those singers. No, i didn't have to look them up---they're all on my iPod!
