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Tuesday, November 17, 2009


There must be something in the autumn air, a new epidemic going around, a form of rabies with foaming at the mouth. I have recently been buried with emails from my neo-con friends, absolutely ballbusting Barack Obama. I'm used to getting several a week, but the intensity of the tone has been ramped way up recently.

Benedict Arnold looks like our greatest patriot compared to Barack Obama. Our President has sold out the country. He is a dangerous revolutionary endangering the American Way of Life. He has demeaned us abroad by talking to the Palestinians. The Iranians play him for a fool. The Chinese laugh at him. His domestic programs are a farce and all doomed. He's never held "a real job"in his life. Hell. he's not even an American! I can't believe one man can screw up in so many ways so fast.

What am I missing? Did he not inherit a few of both domestic and unternational problems from the previous administration? I do believe there were wars in Iraq and Afghanistan going on when he stepped into the Presidency. I do believe the financial crisis, the mortgage meltdown and the recession were well underway, as well. I do believe most of the world thought our foreign policy abysmal and in need of revision.

I don't think everything he has done is right, I must say. A few weeks ago I wrote a blog where I suggested he would do well to keep a lower profile and work quietly behind the scenes to effect some of his key programs. He is stirring too many pots at one time, but, with the problems he is facing, it's tough to know where to concentrate. He needs to do some pushing and shoving and the grunt work of getting programs going.

I think the idea of a summit with a variety of governmental and undustrial executives a good idea. Jobs are on everyone's mind. It is a real priority. And don't have a press conference every five minutes to update the public. Wait until you have a real program to present.

Then I think it might be possible to slow down this epidemic of mouth foaming by the right---not totally, I know that's too much to expect---but enough that reasonable people can begin to see through the fog of bombast.

1 comment:

  1. Surely you're not surprised by this. They have clearly stated their hope that he fail. And I'll stop calling you Shirley.
