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Friday, June 19, 2009


As it frequently happens when an oppressive regime has been in power too long and too rigidly, the young and the dispossessed rise up and express their outrage. What we are seeing in Iran is this principle in action. The old regime, with their tight-fisted and inflexible rules, is suddenly faced with the first challenge to their authority. Perhaps the mullahs will act like the Soviets did in the Cold War days and try to crush the dissidents. Or maybe they will loosen up a bit, but I doubt it.

Now Pandora's box is open. The open communications of the Internet and Twitter and Facebook have opened up a new world to the youth in Iran, and they want to be part of this new world. The old regime may try to crush it, but liberty and free thought, once tasted, make a heady brew and cannot be eliminated.

Our president is playing the diplomatic game very well at this point, not wanting to give the old regime the chance to say the "Great Satans" of America are meddling in their affairs. But Barack Obama can quietly stir the pot and keep this spirit of liberty going.

If the Iranians start on a path of independence, perhaps it could be a beneficial domino effect in the Middle East and lead to some serious peace negotiations and mutual respect for each country's sovereignty. "'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished."

1 comment:

  1. Read Charles Krauthammer today. He takes Obama to task for doing too little to encourage the dissidents. You have it right. They can't be seen as taking their marching orders from us.
