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Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Little did my wife and I realize when we built a home in Sanibel, Florida six and a half years ago, having already owned a beachfront condo there for thirty-odd years, that we would be going into the condo business. But here we are, with at least five new condos, albeit very tiny, on our home property. The construction company, an Equal Opportunity Employer using both male and female, is hard at work. And it seems to be a two-person team.

Right next to our house stands a tall palm tree which unfortunately was blighted by some fungus infection that killed it. We were contemplating its removal when, to our surprise and delight, a pair of pileated woodpeckers discovered this prime property and are in process of building several furnished apartments therein in the form of five deep holes stuffed with nesting straw! I don't know if they have a family stashed away some where waiting for the construction to be completed, or if this pair are preparing to do the wild thing to populate it. You have to admire their good taste in choosing a site right on a golf course, only half mile from the Gulf of Mexico---a really prime location. Plus, to really clinch the deal, we've got a swimming pool.

So, if you're interested in a small condo, come on down: we can negotiate terms, but, I want to warn you in advance, pileated woodpeckers are very territorial and will not brook competition lightly. In fact, I think you would be well advised, on second thought, to let well enough alone and leave the condos to them.

The construction is proceeding at a rapid pace. Stay tuned: we'll keep you posted!

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