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Sunday, September 6, 2009


The Lockerbie shambles brings daily revelations, and the political posturing---and lying---just keeps rolling along, like Old Man River.

Jack Straw, the British Justice Secretary, who is a bit of a weasel, another Teflon politician who gets knocked down and then pops up again, admitted that trade considerations were an essential part of the prisoner transfer deal with Libya. DUH!!! Meanwhile, Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister, tap dances around the subject.

While up north, the M.S.P. (Members of the Scottish Parliament) by a vote of 73-50 rejected the Scottish government's decision to release the bomber. Of course, this is purely symbolic: the horse left the barn last month.

I commented in a blog a couple of weeks ago that oil and business make odd bedfellows when governmental interests are involved. You know very well that George W. and Dick Cheney were most aware of this fact in Iraq, so Britain is not the only guilty party to this type of hypocrisy.

The "special relationship" between U.K. and U.S.A. is severely stressed by this Lockerbie mess; however, I believe common interests will prevail and the principals will ride out the storm.

Sometimes I feel like Diogenes of ancient Greece, who went around with a lamp, looking for an honest man. Or politician, to be more specific...

1 comment:

  1. The amazing thing is that the politicians never think the truth will come to light.
