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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


This will be my last blog in 2009 from England as my wife and I are returning home to the U.S.A on Thursday. We're ready to come home, but, as I have said before, I'm not too pleased with the angry divisions tearing us apart back home. I've expressed myself on this before and no doubt will do so in the future. But let's turn to something else...

Today I read that 83 year-old Valery Giscard d'Estaing, the former President of France, has written a romantic novel in which he fantasizes that he has an affair with the Princess of Cardiff, a thinly veiled Priness Diana. I read a few quotes from "The Princess and the President" and all I can say is, "Gag me, yuk!" It will probably sell because of his prestigious past and the female subject matter, but it really sounds cornball sop and sentiment.

Now I don't mind a Dirty Old Man---since I'm one myself---fantasizing about a gorgeous princess in moments of erotica, but let's not get carried away, Valery. I'd rather remember you as the worldly and dignified President of France and an able diplomat---not as a hack writer of romantic drivel. Just keep your fantasies private.

1 comment:

  1. If you're going to get sick, do it before you come back here.
