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Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Reading an article in the papers today, I note in Britain the government is about to impose a fine of 1000 pounds (about $1600.00) on motorists who do not insure their cars, even if the cars are locked in a garage or off-road.

In U.K. you must have a badge on your windscreen (windshield to you and me), annually renewable, to show that your car has passed the MOT (Ministry of Transportation) test. Each year you must take your car to a MOT-approved garage where the car is tested for driveability and must pass certain minimum safety requirements before the badge of acceptance is issued.

Some states in the U.S. do this, but I think there is something to be said for a national requirement like the MOT. I can hear the ultra-right starting to scream already, "Oh, my God, here comes more socialism, more government poking noses into our private liberties!"

But think a bit more: wouldn't a test that would get clunkers off the road and ensure that drivers have insurance be worthwhile? Isn't one of the major expenses of auto insurance the built-in cost of compensating for the cost of accidents with uninsured motorists? We could possibly reduce the cost of insurance and reduce accidents.

Sure, you wouldn't get the service for free, but I bet, insurancewise, we would be money ahead.

Just another thought from your "socialistic" big brother!


  1. By golly, you're absolutely right. Makes too much sense to ever be implemented.

  2. Ummm, if things are so great in Gordy Brown's UK, why don't you just stay there mate?
