It’s always a close competition with so many horses asses competing for the title of Slimeball of the Summer, but here’s my list, in ascending order, of candidates. Change the order around any way you desire. You have to remember, I’ve been out of the country for over two months, so I may not be current on some recent sleazes that have not been brought to my attention.
10. Jim Tressell, former Ohio State football coach. Talk about really messing up big time. One of the plum coaching assignments, now kaput, because this Godly Man couldn’t tell the truth when he should have and made a bad situation worse. And the university for whom he worked is just about as bad.
9. Roger Goodell and his N.F.L. cronies. They almost cost us a football season. Drag it out, baby, and make ‘em sweat.
8. The Tea party for contributing to the gross ignorance of domestic and foreign policy. To hell with government, just CUT, CUT, CUT, the simplistic answer to all our problems.
7. Michelle Bachmann/Rick Parry---a dual entry for slander and untruths even above and beyond the pigsty of campaign politics. The wacky right is right on again for distortion and pure crap. Whose turn is it to be accused of treason?
6. John Boehner and Mitch McConnell, a joint award. As leaders of the Republican congress, these two were so intent on making the President look bad and playing 2012 election politics that they pushed the country to the edge of a financial precipice. Politics first, the economy second has been the byword for too long.
5.. The Murdoch triangle of Rupert Murdoch/ James Murdoch/Rebecca Brooks and the swarmy, sleazy, hacking mess and abuse of power where covering your ass was carried to a brand-new extreme. They may not get out of this one quite so easily.
4. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, that pillar of French politics with the ever-open fly, who escaped justice, thanks to a pile of money and a disadvantaged victim with an inconsistent background. Will he run for President of France? Don’t bet against it. Stay tuned.
3. The Pakistani Intelligence Service for years of disservice to the U.S.A. who supports their country and mission, only to have these bastards help the Taliban by providing shelter and, I’m sure, intelligence. A special thanks for allowing the Chinese to photograph and get a piece of the skin of the Chinook helicopter that crashed in the bin Laden raid. Of course, you believe them when they say they didn’t know bin Laden was there. Right, and your check is in the mail.
2. Colonel Gaddafi---almost #1 in a photo finish for forty-odd years of tyranny and crazed fanaticism. I hope they hang him by his thumbs, or, better yet, by his privates when they find him. Lockerbie is remembered!
1. President Assam of Syria in a tight race edges out Gaddafi. Under the protection of our dear loyal friends and allies, the Saudis, he has got away with murder and despotism on a wholesale scale for years. Now his bloodbath is beginning to catch up to him when even the Saudis are turning against him. He has not been our friend for a long time, allowing his country to be a conduit for terrorists,and loves to fuel up the Mideast fire. I really rate him #1 because he is still a clear and present danger, whereas Gaddafi has had it.
I’m sure you can add a lot more---but here’s a good start!
"Slimeball of the Summer." I like that. You may have been out of the country but your focus has not strayed. The order you have them works for me. In fact, not only could I not improve your selections, I would have overlooked at least forty percent of them. Great summation with a world view.
ReplyDeleteI love it. This should be a monthly feature.