The President in a recent speech to the country referred to America as an AAA country, defying the downgrading of American credit by Standard & Poor to AA1/2. I think the American people---well, at least a good part of them---are AAA quality, but the politicians rate a “D”. Furthermore, let’s not make S. & P. the villain of the piece. Let’s put a large part of the blame where it belongs: on the politicians. By their inflexible stands, political posturing and lack of leadership, we got, unfortunately, what we deserved.
Certainly politics played a major role in creating a climate of turmoil and suspense which made a bad situation even worse internationally. Things were bad all over in a good part of the western world with our recession showing no signs of abatement and Europe in a euro crisis with the weak members hovering on the brink of bankruptcy. And, I might add, below the surface, a few things are rotten in the state of China. Psychologically, the inability of America to resolve the debt crisis quickly and thoroughly really gave a setback to our standing as the number one nation. Don’t think that didn’t contribute to the S. & P. decision.
To exacerbate matters even more, the debt crisis solution is a bandaid---a temporary patch until the matter can be studied further and recommendations made. It is not as if the problem was brand new, but we have refused to deal with it constructively and thoroughly for much too long. The world is seeing this, and it does no good for our respect.
I’ve been on the soap box much too many times about the politicizing of America and the dangers of polarization. I’m now seeing it from a different perspective here in England and realizing how important our leadership is in the world. We haven’t done a good job of leadership by example. I wish I could see a change coming---but I don’t. It’s really well past wake-up time.
We are going to have to work extra-hard to be AAA in every way.
I have read this a couple of times. I have been trying to think of something to say that would add to it's significance or make it more memorial. I can't come up with anything to add furtherance to your piece, except to simply say, "Amen."