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Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Attention, all you knuckleheads, nuts and neo-cons! Are you happy now or just pissed off that the issue is dead? The President has shown his real live birth certificate, much to your disappointment, I know.

What a ridiculous distraction and smokescreen this whole tempest-in-a-teapot has been. How much time has been wasted in this futile endeavor? Those who hate the President---and there are too many---will have to come up with some new verbal vitriolic acid to throw at him, but I have every confidence you will find something grotesque and nasty to replace this issue.

Of course, The Donald thinks the birth certificate should be inspected for authenticity. Right, Donald, President Obama would be stupid enough to issue a bogus one---duh.

We spend too much time inventing elaborate fabrications to cover up the real gripe many rabid conservatives have with Obama: they think he is a damn Muslim (and probably from terrorist roots, if not an actual one himself), or he's a closet Commie, or he's---oh, horrors---black. Never state your real reason when you can hide behind a subterfuge.

Issues, people, real issues. That's what we have to deal with. Let's talk about the future course and direction of government, entitlements, the economy, world affairs, the real gut issues. Forget this cover-up nonsense. Deal in facts, not fictions.


  1. If it's on Fox News it must be true.

  2. We may continue to have birth er problems for a while, like is it fake? If it's real why the delay? Is Hawaii participating in a cover up? The issue is not really where the President was born. The issue is the President is black, he's black and smart and he can operate in white man's world and he does not need a white man to guide him through the intricacies of dealing with white people. And I'm sure it breaks the hearts of southerners to have to take orders from somebody other than a true American. The issue is not where he was born. A white man wouldn't be asked.
