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Thursday, April 14, 2011


The whole Barry Bonds trial was really a fiasco. We all know in our hearts that he was guilty of using steroids, but proving it under the legal system is another matter. In a democracy we bend over backwards to protect individual rights and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, but sometimes the system misfires or misfunctions because the burden of proof depends too much on hearsay evidence or is too difficult to prove absolutely.

If you think Barry Bonds never knowingly put steroids into his body, step forward and I will put a dollar under your pillow tonight for the tooth fairy and, while I'm at it, sell you preferred shares in the Brooklyn Bridge.

At least the government succeeded in making the obstruction charge stick. I hope it is enough to keep the asterisks on his records and to keep him out of the Hall of Fame.

Barry Bonds was a brilliant talent and a leadpipe cinch to make the Hall of Fame, until his ego got in the way and he just could not stand to leave the home run record in Hank Aaron's drug-free hands. Resultingly, he became the sports equivalent of The Incredible Hulk in order to take this title.

As I said sometime ago in an earlier blog, being a nice guy is not a prerequisite for the Hall of Fame---look at Ty Cobb,a really nasty piece of work, from all reports. I'm even for allowing Pete Rose in, now that he has admitted his gambling, and he was far from lovable. But Barry Bonds, even if he falls on his knees and admits his sins. should never be allowed in the Hall because he did not earn the right to be there legitimately or legally. When you stuff your body with steroids and thereby artificially enhance performance. you are dead meat as fas I am concerned.

Aristotle defined tragedy as the fall of a man of high estate from grace. In the sports world, Barry Bonds is truly a tragic figure.


  1. Couldn't agree more. Hope he does jail time.

  2. He won't do jail time---probably house retentopn and reporting in,
