I feel like a wallflower at the grand ball, all alone and unloved. Here are all the couples dancing the night away and, poor me, I’m just sitting with no partner.
I could have joined Facebook and had the potential of 500,000,000 friends all over the world. In addition to the almost 129,000,000 in America, I could have known 27,000,000 in U.K., 26,000,000 in Indonesia, 22,000,000 in Turkey, 19,000,000 in France, 16,000,000 in Italy, 15,000,000 in the Phillippines and 15,000,000 in Canada---to name a few.
I once said in an earlier blog that I had not joined a social network because I really didn’t need 500 new friends. But 500,000,00---wow! I really screwed up, bigtime.
Seriously, it is an amazing phenomenon. A Harvard student started this four years ago for his buddies at Harvard---and now look. I bet the Harvard Alumni Association are after him for a huge gift. Colleges just love billionaires in their twenties: think of the long-term giving potential.
I think it’s too late for me. I just can’t handle such astronomical numbers, so I’ll just keep sitting on the sidelines watching the dancers go by
I joined nearly a year ago and have 67 "friends", but only 15-20 who actually take part in the daily give and take.