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Saturday, July 31, 2010


The quality of British television can be extremely high, but they have their fair share of dogs. For example:

During the day and often at night, they show a number of real estate shows, especially for second homes. One or two I understand --but four daily?

Antique shows are interesting---but four or more daily?

They love cooking shows and contests. they can be great---but, again, four or five?

Believe me, I don't watch all these, but I see them in the program (spelled "programme") listing.

British "telly" also is a vast repository of old American sitcoms. For years they've been running "Murder, She Wrote". "Jag", "Dynasty", "Friends", "Falconcrest" as daily or multi-weekly fare. American producers must rub their hands with glee---not to mention the actors---at the residuals they receive for these old chestnuts.

No holds are barred in smut or four-letter words. You never hear a bleep on British TV. My daughter is visiting, and the other night an old American police movie was showing, and she was astounded by mother---- issuing from the screen. I told her that's standard fare. The talk shows are pretty free and loose, as well.

I was having terrible reception problems as our house is near hills and lots of trees which block digital signals--as well as French signals from across ther channel. I solved this problem with a satellite box and dish. Now I can even get CNN, Bloomberg, European and Asian news services, even El Jazeera, the Arab network (in English). I miss ESPN which is only shown on Sky, a satellite network owned by that old charmer, Rupert Murdoch, for which I would have to sign up for a year. Since we're here only three months, it's not worth it. I get most of my American sports news from the web.

Several of the BBC channels are commercial-free, which is a real blessing, but the independent channels, like ours, bury you with ads.

All in all, I would call it a dead heat between the Brits and our TV. They do more interesting specials, but they have more dogs.


  1. You haven't lived until you've seen old American tv shows with German voice overs.

  2. I never saw any British tele, but I do hear them talking about it once in a while on the writersdock, Uk. Not so much anymore as the site has lost many members.
