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Sunday, May 23, 2010


Thomas Paine, the eloquent spokesman for liberty at the time of the American Revolution, wrote the famous line, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” How well this adage applies in the divisive political climate of today.

We have many traumas and concerns. Unemployment is at its highest in thirty years; job growth is at a snail’s pace; the economy is better but still sputtering. Much work remains to be done. The prospects for a fast growth economy in the short and long term are lousy to dismal at best.

In spite of the rhetoric from the far right, decrying creeping socialism and governmental big brotherhood, we are in historic times. Not since the New Deal days of F.D.R. in the thirties have we seen so many new programs ---and all in the last year. The financial stimulus package, health reform, the banking and Wall St. reform have been enacted in spite of major resistance by the Republicans, in spite of the fact that the Democrats lost their veto-proof majority of sixty seats when Scott Brown was elected in Massachusetts to replace the late Ted Kennedy. Maybe imperfections exist due to political compromises made, lobbyist pressure exerted, reelection fears generated---you name it---but, at least, we have started down the road to recovery and, no, I don’t believe, down the road to ruin.

If we can get congress to cooperate in analyzing and improving the existing legislation, so much the better. In order to do that, both sides need to put the country’s interest first and political expediency aside. Prospects for such action seem slim to none in this vitriolic political climate, but I can dream, can’t I?

Getting people back to work, creating new jobs in new industries (green and other), helping people ride out the financial drought---all these are top priorities for Barack Obama and for congress. Their souls will be sorely tried, but it is imperative they do the work that needs to be done.



  1. You're right about what needs to be done, but I don't believe there are enough brave souls in Congress who will put personal interest aside in order to get the job done.

  2. We are so divided in this country, it seems to me, we are almost ungovernable. We are experiencing a slow recovery, almost in spite of the congress.
