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Friday, May 21, 2010


Will wonders never cease? Is it possible that the Roman Catholic Church may some day move into the twenty-first century in their theology? At least, stirrings in the underbrush are happening!

I read in Politics Daily in a column by David Gibson that Cardinal Christhof Schönborn of Austria, part of the Vatican insiders, has advanced the idea for serious consideration and reevaluation of the concept of eliminating celibacy for priests. Schönborn, a former student of the current pope and one of his favorites, has shaken up the presiding establishment with this revolutionary concept. Cardinal Schönborn added further fuel to the fire by saying that homosexuality should also be gauged in terms of “lasting relationships”. He went on to add: “A stable relationship is better than if someone chooses to be promiscuous.” He also said remarried divorcees should be allowed to take communion. Cardinal Schönborn is not some leftish revolutionary commenting from the outside but an orthodox cleric who was the main editor of the revision of The Catechism, the guide for all Catholics. The Cardinal has been incensed for some time about the sex-offending and child molesting scandal and has spoken out loudly about the need for true examination and reform.

Now another Austrian power in the church, Bishop Paul Eby of Eisenstadt, Austria, now retiring, has also spoken out for rethinking the celibacy requirement for priests.

As the old comic Red Buttons used to sing, “Strange Things are Happening”!

I don’t presume to tell others how to worship, but I can say as an Episcopalian, or Anglo-Catholic, that we have priests and they are allowed to be married. I cannot see how having a spouse and a family can be a deterrent to devoted performance of duty or love of God. It may take awhile, but eventually the Roman Catholic Church must face this reality and adapt. It is a rule of life: adapt or die.

1 comment:

  1. I think to allow priest in the Catholic Church to marry would be beneficial to the church. There would, in my opinion, be less molesting of kids and the priesthood as a whole would be a happier body. I would think by now, that around the world, this would be obvious not only to the priests themselves, but to the powers that be in the The Vatican. Priests would be easier to sign up not only in the US but around the world. It would also eliminate a lot of future problems.
