I am so blessed and lucky: recently, a whole slew of beneficient people whom I don't even know are ready to send me tons of money. One kindly lawyer in Kenya was about to send me $45,000,000, and all I had to do was pay him legal expenses of $800.00. Another English widow of a Lord who runs orphanages is ready to send me a cheque (British) for 1,500,000 pounds if I can simply send her 100 pounds for administrative expenses. I've had so many of these wonderful donors in touch with me recently that I figure it's some residue from the Christmas season: you know, good will toward men and all that jazz!
The one that offered me $45,000,000 I just had to answer. My reply was brief: "Here, phishy, phishy, phishy!" Funny, I never heard from him again.
Are you recently getting an epidemic of these scams? I figure it must be related to the dire state of the world economy where every con artist is taking advantage of world yearning for a fast fix or a windfall. "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation, "said the great New England philosopher, Henry Thoreau, and the usual trickle of scams has become a flood as people become more anxious. It's sad, really.
I haven't been getting these, but I have other friends who have been deluged recently. Your theory makes sense.