After the recent bowl games, especially Boise State-T.C.U., should there be any doubt it is time---long overdue---for a playoff system? When you come to the end of a regular season and have five undefeated teams, don't you hear a message? Now, for the rest of the winter and until next football season, you will have Boise fans bitching that they should have been in the mix for cnsideration as National Champions, no matter what happens in the Alabama-Texas game. And they certainly have a legitimate claim for consideration.
I know, I know, you have all the athletic directors and presidents, rubbing their hands with glee as they contemplate additional income from bowl games. O.K., you can still have all those meaningless games where a 6&6 team plays a 7&5 team in the Condom Bowl if that bobs your cork, but set up a playoff system for the top eight teams. Certainly within the top eight you can silence the critics as to legitimate contenders. So what if the regular season is cut to 10 or 11 games? The cream will rise to the top.
Even the President wants a playoff system. Of course, that will automatically make the Republican right against it, so I better shut up.