Like most old people, I am quick to criticize or carp about the kids today and their apparent lack of moral values, which. unfortunately, their parents and grandparents never did a thorough job of instilling in them. Then I see a ray of sunshine piercing the grey of today when I read in the NY Times about the various prestigious b-schools where business ethics has become one of the more popular courses.
At Wharton/Penn they now have several professors teaching business ethics where formerly they had one. At the Harvard Business School, nearly 20% of the graduating M.B.A. class, about 160, have signed a student-generated pledge of good business ethics "to serve the greater good"and to take social responsibility for their actions. At Columbia Business School. in addition to requiring the ethics course, the students have formed a "Leadership and Ethics Board" and sponsor ethical lectures.
It looks like the shameful histories of Enron. MCI, AIG, Madoff, toxic loans and shady hedge funds have sunk in, and the kids today are hearing the message. I don't know how long the effect will last because greed has a way of insinuating itself into the corporate world, but I am hopeful that this new generation have seen enough---and had enough---to keep that responsible perspective. Let us pray.
Hopefully you're right and this will be a trend.