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Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I want to keep you abreast, as promised in my blog of May 6, 2009, regarding our new neighbors, the pileated woodpeckers, who took over a dead palm tree next to our house and have built "apartments". I haven't seen Dad recently, but Mom is very much in evidence, constantly peering from one of her windows to see what's happening in the neighborhood. We started putting out bread crumbs on a railing on our front porch near her apartment, and they are disappearing regularly. in fact, I think she quite accepts us now, for when I go out on the front porch and descend the steps, if she is perched on the side of the palm, she simply glances at me and then goes about her business. It's nice being accepted by the new neighbors...

I haven't seen any chicks, so I don't know what the plan is. Maybe just get the place ready and populate it later. With that, I'll leave you with an old British expression of good will---nothing else intended---just keep your pecker up!

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