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Thursday, March 7, 2013


I read in the latest news that the President’s approval ratings has gone down 7% since the election. The honeymoon is over, this report asserts, and I’m not really surprised.

I have been a supporter of Barack Obama; not that I agree with everything he does but, to a large extent, I'm supportive of his efforts. But recently I think he has made a mistake---a tactical error, if you will---in his “campaigning” against the Republicans and their stubborn resistance to new taxes. I don’t agree with the Republican stand against taxes in that I feel it is inevitable that we have some increases in tax revenues and/or revision of the tax code as well as the necessity to cut expenses. I simply think the President needs to resist more photo-ops of him being the People’s Prez and spend more time negotiating with both parties to find even a vestige of common ground.

He needs to lend the weight of his office and executive responsibility to pressuring both parties to seek this common ground in the form of bi-partisan commissions to seek answers for health care, social security, tax reform and a host of other entitlement problems needing undivided attention. As President he could insist on such efforts and appoint acceptable candidates from both parties.

Certainly, the Republican Party has not covered itself with glory these last few years and is going through agonizing soul searching to determine their future course of action, preferably away from the kooks and extremists of the far right. But the Democrats cannot sit still and think that the President of their party and the Senate under their narrow control can ultimately “sneak through”, in spite of the House being under Republican control. It simply won't happen. Any way you cut it, we have a divided government in Washington.

It is way overdue, this time to get serious and work in a bipartisan manner. The President can use his good offices to exert pressure in this direction and be the moving force for such change. It is not good enough to plan “pep rallies” in key cities and before captive groups like unions; it is time to be presidential and forget the bully pulpit to appeal to the people but use his power to stir up some political action in the legislature. And he can be the spearhead.

To hell with the ratings, just crack some heads and bend a lot of ears to start some action.

P.S. Since I wrote this, I read he is having lunch with Republican leaders.


  1. Yeah, see dinner last night with GOP senators. I think the Dems could be treading water until 2014 in hopes of re-taking the House.

  2. After last term I don't know I'd be any hurry to work with the GOP. Not even to keep the government running. Let it shut down . Declare martial law. Federalize the nations national guards. Dismiss congress. Declare we're a third world country and the opposition was getting unruly. On second thought, don't shut down the government.That would jeopardize my social security check and I don't even own a gun. Maybe you're right, try to work with 'em. I he can't, maybe he could use those drones for a more constructive purpose, then work with the few left. I mean, experiment a little bit.
