Ah, this wonderful world of conspiracy theories we live in!
I was delighted to see that Colin Powell on ABC came out and blasted the Republican Party, among other things, for their intransigence, inflexilitity and idiocy in supporting (or saying nothing) about Obama and the birther theory. Powell is a dinosaur like I, a disaffected Republican who can't stand what the G.O.P. has become.
This birther theory that the President was not born in the USA has been around almost since his first election in 2008. Such brilliant pundits as Donald Trump have happily espoused it---and you know how sage and reliable The Donald is. I wish he would simply stick to building golf courses.
Now I've seen a list compiled of the major Obama "conspiracy" theories, and they make wonderful reading. Here's the list:
(1) the birther theory of his foreign birth;
(2) the re-education camps for youth, created by the President, espoused by that model of rationality, Michelle Bachmann;
(3) in his younger days, Obama practiced gay sex, drugs and possibly murder, according to Larry Sinclair, a convicted felon;
(4) his thesis was a fake, once propounded on Fox, based on a TV program that was labeled at the beginning as SATIRE;
(5) Bill Ayers, an educator and radical, wrote 'Dreams of My Father". Really credible because we all know how lost for words Obama is;
(6) he is the AntiChrist, 666, and all that jazz;
(7) he is a Muslim, which almost rivals the birther theory for frequency;
(8) his inaugural speech in 2008, if played backward, says "Serve Satan", obviously borrowed from the old Led Zeppelin and "Stairway to Heaven" played backwards claim;
(9) Hugo Chavez has funded his Presidency;
(10) Michelle Obama had his aide/mistress banished to the Caribbean, denied by the woman herself;
(11) he is Malcolm X's son.
They are amazing feats of imagination, theoretical nonsense and so credible to so many nut cases. Maybe these types should write Harry Potter political tales.
Believe it or not, there is a whole sub-culture theorizing that the shooting at Sandy Hook was a conspiracy to further the anti-gun agenda.