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Thursday, December 20, 2012


I was listening to the car radio today and heard, as one frequently would this time of year, one of my holiday favorites: "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas", that plaintive, melancholy but haunting song written during the war when so many young men and women were overseas fighting WW II, Judy Garland, one of the greatest singers ever (except in her final years when booze and drugs were making her a cariacture of herself) made it famous. I didn't think anyone could equal her rendition---but James Taylor comes closest, treating it with reverence and simplcity. That's the one I heard today.

All of which leads me to some holiday wishes:

(1) May all of you have happy holidays and a better 2013;

(2) May Newtown CT find some solace in prayer and national good wishes at this tragic time;

(3)  May John Boehner and Mitch McConnell remove their heads from an unpleasant portion of their mid-anatomy in time to work out a fiscal compromise;

(4)   May Barack Obama show the kind of leadership and vision needed in these trying times and guide us to better days, especially in his lame duck second term with nothing to lose;

(5) May we disengage with some semblance of honor, if not hope, from much of our war zones;

(6)  May we use our good offices to press for peace in the Middle East without painting ourselves into inextricable corners;

(7)  May the N.R.A. also remove their heads from the same unpleasant place and do something constructive for proper gun laws and psychological testing and quit treating the Second Amendment as if it came down from the mountain with Moses;

(8)  May the N.C.A.A. and the N.F.L. do something for the betterment of sports and not be simply motivated by greed;

(9)  May American industry regain preeminence, especially the auto industry;

(10) May we finally put emphasis on job stimulus, especailly by repairing our long-neglected infrastructures.

Keep adding to the list. I don't want to be too greedy. Smell the roses, enjoy your families and show some love. God bless you all.


  1. You've covered it well. It is a good favorite of many and Judy Garland has done many a song proud, giving it that something extra. You keep on keeping on and any holiday wish you failed two cover, we'll pick up and bring along. The holiday's best to you and your family.

  2. Best wishes to you and your family old friend. If even half your wish list is answered it might make for a Happy New Year.
