Well, would you believe it? I was dead certain the Supreme Court would come up with another 5-4 decision, conservatives over liberals, against the health bill. My respect for Chief Justice Roberts as an independent thinker rose considerably. Certainly, his credentials were always impressive, but I thought his inherent conservatism would make him join the other, but objectivity and sense of law prevailed.
Do you think our recalcitrant congress might earn a lesson from this example? I doubt it, but, in Hamlet's words, " 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished". Wouldn't it be wonerful if congressman could sit down now, carefully examine the health care law and find a bipartisan basis to fix it?
I woner how the Fred Astaire of the political right, our presumptive Republican candidate for President, will tap dance around this one? I can't wait for Romney to debate Obama and answer the question the President should pose as to why, as Governor of Massachusetts, he was for and enacted a health care bill very similar to Obamacare but now cannot accept it, the very model of political inconsistency and idiosyncracy.
In any case, the law survives, albeit with limitations. Can Washington find a compromise? Probably not, but hope springs eternal and all that jazz!
To overturn they will need to win the White House, maintain their majority in the House and win a majority in the Senate. Long odds for all three to happen.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why the Chief Justice voted as he did and saved the President's Healthcare. I expect only he knows. Even so I feel it's going to be fought tooth and nail getting anything implemented in the states. If you didn't give a damn it might be interested to watch. If you do it's going to be tough to watch.