I don't know how I got on the email list for alerts@alerts.worldnetdaily.com. Probably one of my right-wing zealot-friends put me on as a joke. but it is ceasing to be funny, not one bit. This is Fortress America where everyman should have a gun and be ready for war on all those nasties out there. Don't simply be ready for trouble, but be prepared to go to war personally and end permanently any dispute.
It is really frightening what is going on in this chaotic world, but I was naive enough to believe here in America that good sense would prevail. How stupid can I be?
This latest from WND is "How and WHEN You should Use Your Sidearm" with the opportunity to buy eleven hours of video on defending yourself.
What is happening here, America? Are we all losing it? Must every home be an armed camp? Must we all walk down the street with our holsters in plain view? Must we become neighborhood vigilantes?
Read this sample from their latest email, pushing the videos. Welcome to the land of the free and the home of the brave packing guns.
"What to do if strangers knock at your door.
The very first actions you must take after shooting someone.
Drawing a gun in close quarters, in a car or when seated behind a desk.
Getting your gun out of the holster and past your concealed carry covering garments.
When to challenge, and when to shoot.
What will happen to you under a "body alarm" reaction.
Order of shooting when faced with multiple assailants, and what you will have to do with your arms.
Protecting a third party.
Learning one-handed responses, which "seem to have some hard-wiring in our brain."
And all of the precise types of actions you need to practice to keep your muscle memory acute and strong.
What to do if strangers knock at your door.
The very first actions you must take after shooting someone.
Drawing a gun in close quarters, in a car or when seated behind a desk.
Getting your gun out of the holster and past your concealed carry covering garments.
When to challenge, and when to shoot.
What will happen to you under a "body alarm" reaction.
Order of shooting when faced with multiple assailants, and what you will have to do with your arms.
Protecting a third party.
Learning one-handed responses, which "seem to have some hard-wiring in our brain."
And all of the precise types of actions you need to practice to keep your muscle memory acute and strong."
Makes you proud to be an American, doesn't it?
And I fear this is the mentality of a big part of our voting public. If we are a nation in decline, as China has stated, one can see why.
ReplyDeleteIt is scary to think how many people may be walking around armed. As for whacko web sites, I make a habit of reading conservative news and blog sites, white supremacist sites and neo-Nazi sites; good to keep tabs on what they're doing.
ReplyDeleteMore indicative of decline, and perhaps more alarming, is that traditionally non-violent independents and "liberals" (which in the current context I think means any informed and thoughtful American) are arming themselves in response to the escalating violent rhetoric of the far right. All cultures eventually decline, and many do so catastrophically. However, I think that America is on the verge of setting a new standard - cultural cannibalistic suicide.