The National Football League has been hogging the spotlight in the sporting world recently with three manias: Peytonmania, Tebowmania and Bountymania.
Peyton Manning has made his choice, and I do hope---and I have plenty of misgivings--- that some 375-pounder with 4.6. speed in the forty yard dash doesn't smash into him and really take care of his career. With his admiration for John Elway and the similarities of their records, it seems to be a promising relationship. I'll have to get used to him in orange.
Tim Tebow in the Big Apple can be a flak artist's dream: the hype can be endless. One of the sportswriters commented on the pronouncement that Tebow will strictly be a special situation player and Mark Sanchez will be the starting quarterback: wait until Sanchez throws a couple of interceptions early in the season! Can't you hear those wild Jet fans screaming, "Tebow! Tebow! Tebow!" A devout Christian in Sin City could be interesting.
Roger Goddell did the only sensible thing he could by really smacking the Saints and barring Sean Payton for the season. I'm not naive enough to believe that the Saints' defense was the only case of bounty hunting; it has been prevalent for a long time, only not so obvious as the Saints' exposure. I hope the Commmisioner's message is loud and clear. Individual fines on Saints players are to follow, probably some one or two game suspensions. It may be a deterrent, but some of these monster lineman, I suspect, can get pretty creative in adminstering pain in a pile-up.
We'll be watching...
I hope Manning does okay and is not seriously injured again. I hope Tebow comes out better because of all this jocking for Manning. And I hope the Commish puts an end this hurt for pay once and for all. We'll see what happens.