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Thursday, February 2, 2012


It would appear that Mitt Romney is moving closer to nomination as the Republican candidate for President after his resounding victory in Florida; that is, if he can remove his foot from his mouth long enough to accept the nomination. The man is gifted for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. I don't really think he intended to say he does not care about the poor, but it came out that way.

I'm fed up with the whole political process, which, as I have commented many times, takes too long and is unnecessarily redundant. Why do we need nineteen debates for the Republican candidates to make their positions clear? We don't, and now what happens is that the last campaign in Florida---and, I suspect, a few future campaigns---will be mud-slinging vituperation.

Newt Gingrich rises phoenixlike from the ashes of defeat and keeps fighting. i just read that "the Donald" Trump is endorsing Newt. That should be the kiss of death. As long as Sandy Adelson's millions keep flowing, Newt will keep talking. How many more Super-Pacs would you like to see?

On the other side of the political coin, the President keeps amassing his war chest and is spending an undue amount of time running, which takes time away from governing. I wish we had an impartial refereee who could call "Time Out"so that time could be spent in working through the economic problems besetting this country and the world, but that's simply my fantasy.

And Europe keeps fiddling while Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal burn. Explain to me how pure austerity solves the problems of southern Europe without financial stimulus to these moribund economies. Yes, belt-tightening is a necessity, but so is job creation.

My worldview has a dose of the flu, and it would appear to be an epidemic. A helluva lot of us are unhappy and hurting and need a global Alka-Seltzer. Or maybe Viagra, to stiffen our resolve!


  1. Resolve? Your generation was the last to show any.

  2. I must admit I like what you said. You said it well. You even sent me to the dictionary with that
    'vituperation'. I didn't have a clue. That's not unusual but it don't happen often. Invigorating. What socked it to me here is that last paragraph. The best I've read in several moons, a classic, and I'm not a thief nor a what you call it when you use someone Else's writing and call it your own (the word eludes me)but I'm going to lift that dose of wordage and somewhere down the road, in some far off corner of the world, I'm going to use it. I may even give you credit, but that's a good line and it shouldn't die here.

  3. Borrow from me any time, Bill, (It's called plagiarism.)I'd be flattered, because I consider you an original talent whose writing and insight I always enjoy. Hope you feel better.

  4. Thanks, yeah, I am; on cloud 9.
