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Thursday, January 19, 2012


Do you feel a keen sense of loss now that Rick Parry has withdrawn from the race? I'll miss his foot-in-mouth disease and amnesia.

Will you be shocked to find how rich Mitt Romney is and why he's close to 15% taxes? The Fred Astaire of the political field is still tapping away or around the truth.

How many more revelations about his personal life can Newt Gingrich take? I'm sure there will be more.

Santorum and Paul keep chirping in the background, but the show is over.

Are the New York Giants the team of destiny? Eli Manning is incredibly poised and having the year of his life. But he lives in a golden era of q.b.s with the two Bs, Brees and Brady. I think the winner of the Giants-Forty-Niners game will go on to win the Super Bowl. I think the Giants, but the Niners continue to shock me.

I don't expect Syracuse will keep up this streak much longer. Parity is looking for real in the top ten or so basketball teams.

I suspect Peyton Manning may be playing elsewhere if the Colts can renegotiate that bonus deal of his. The Colts cannot pass on Andrew Luck. What a dilemma. Personally, I wish Peyton would hang it up and not risk his health. I see him as a coach-owner somewhere in the near future with his money and brains.

Next month will be spring training time here in the Fort Myers area where we can watch the Twins or the Red Sox in their brandnew facility. I always look forward to this training period.

Have you got your tax data together? I have not, but I'm going to do it in February and not procrastinate to early April. That's a promise!

If you haven't see the film, "War Horse", run, do not walk to your neighborhood multiplex theatre and see it. I saw the play in London and raved about it in a blog a couple of years ago. The Spielberg film is less intimate and definitely an epic and just as good as the play. A real upper---don't miss it. I knew Spielberg would do it up right...


  1. I don't care for Romney but I suspect all he's hiding is that he's rich, achieved by virtue of his own work and smart investing. I don't have a problem with that. Newt on the other hand is a scumbag; trying to impeach a president while cheating on his own wife. I hope he's nominated because he can't win in the general election.

    NE/SF Super Bowl.

  2. I think Romney is the only one who could give the President a race. I do see a lot of christian conservatives no longer talking family values and saying while Newt is not perfect he's been up front with it all. I guess if you don't have any family values and cheat on your several wives it's okay as long as you're up front with it. Give me a break.

    New Englaand/Giants
