Now that I have settled back in our Florida home, I can only note the old French adage: "le plus qu'il change, le plus le meme"---namely, the more things change, the more they are the same.
I note that the Senate Minority leader, Mitch McConnell, in response to the President's latest stimulus plan, has said, "It's D.O.A.---dead on arrival." Attaboy, Mitch, kill, kill, kill, right from the gitgo.
I note in the recent Republican Presidential debates that certain members of the audience, Tea Partyists. no doubt, cheered at the idea of letting the indigents die if they can't afford health care. Nice attitude, guys and girls. Do unto others before they do it unto you.
I note that professional sports just can't possibly get along without the threat of a strike and lockout. The N.F.L. wasn't enough; now we have the N.B.A. Owners are the same in all professional sports: maximum return in revenue and minimum outlay for the players. What the hell, the customers will pay for it anyway...
I note the rate of poverty in America has now reached 46mm people or up to 16.1%. The gap between the rich and the poor continues to accelerate. And we don't need entitlement and tax reform? Not to mention job stimulation.
I note the Euro crisis continues to accelerate. Do you think maybe the euro currency is not such a hot idea and the United States of Europe a giant turkey?
Where have I heard this song before?
I was really shocked when the audience cheered the suggestion that we let people die if they can't afford health coverage. Politics is now more important than compassion for your fellow citizens.