Happy New Year to all of you!
In the New York Times today is, as happens frequently, a thought-provoking column by David Brooks, who is one of my pets, a moderate conservative who thinks things through and usually comes up with the right answers. I recommend his column, "The Achievement Test".
The nub of his thoughts are summed up in his lines: "The size of government doesn't tell you what you need to know; the social and moral content of government action does....The best way to measure government is not by volume but what you might call the Achievement Test."
Brooks. in referring to the Achievement Test, is saying that the true test of successful government is in how it transforms lives. Size of government had little to do with that.
The Republicans are on a mission to reduce the size of government and to make drastic cuts to effect such cutbacks; the Democrats will be fighting to hold on to programs they hold dear. You can be sure that it will be a long and contentious battle with many verbal shells flying back and forth between the enemy parties. We can only hope that in this agonizing process good sense ultimately prevails and that compromises can create some good sense programs.
If the G.O.P.'s only aim is to shrink government at all costs, no matter what the programs are, God help us. We then are in real danger of throwing the baby out with the bath water. Take, for example, health care. Almost everyone agrees, it needs revision---but eliminating the whole program, as some Republicans are sworn to try, is dead wrong and counter-productive. Revision of the income tax structure is also in the works, and, no question, revamping and simplifying is needed. Social Security is another subject for intense scrutiny. The field of legislation is wide open.
Democrats must be prepared to make some sacrifices in their legislative agenda and be willing to accept some compromises. I hope they fight hard for education programs, because we must make education a priority if we expect to continue as a first-class power over the long run. The Democrats must also fight for a fair and equitable immigration program which will attract talent and not just cheap labor.
Both parties must make the top priority the creation of jobs, reducing the sickening rate of unemployment. Whatever happened to the idea of more infra-structure repair and renovation jobs talked about so much a couple of years ago?
It's time to work together to find solutions. Yes, make cuts where justified---but don't cut simply to reduce government unless it's justified. Emphasize programs that reward achievement and grow business. Think as Americans, not as party animals.
A blueprint for success. Don't count on it happening.