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Saturday, November 6, 2010


O.K., already: the G.O.P. won big. The people have spoken, and they want change, for sure.
A host of theories abound as to the reasons for the Obama shellacking.

The theory that makes most sense to me is that the top priority of the American people is for jobs creation---the old "It's the economy, stupid", the famous Bill Clinton campaign reminder---not the emphasis and time spent on health care reform. I don't think it is a total repudiation of the President as much as criticism of his priorities. I know he tried to enact measures to improve the economy, but the time spent and publicity generated by the health care debate grabbed the headlines and got the public attention.

Now he has two years to mend his image. He must make a total effort for bipartisanship and be willing to horse trade and compromise---without forsaking his basic principles. I hope John Boehner, who claims he wants to be remembered as a statesmanlike Majority Leader, can put the good of the country as his first priority. After reading the asinine remarks of Minority Leader, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, to the effect that the number one priority of the G.O.P. should be to make Obama a one-term president, I have serious doubts about his sense of priorities to the national interest. Of couse, he wants his party to have the next president, but right now the precarious state of the economy is obviously the prime concern, and we don't need this kind of parochial posturing.

We all know, historically, a lot can happen in two years and that these yo-yo swings are frequent in our political process. Learn your lesson, Mr. President. Communicate and connect with the people. Be a bit less cerebral and detached and more emotional and caring in your approach to the people. Make the economy the top priority, which would include involving the Republicans in the study and analysis process. Open the health care debate to bipartisan reform.

You've had your wake-up call...

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