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Tuesday, October 12, 2010


And the beat goes on...

Senator Richard Shelby (R., Alabama), in his infinite downSouth wisdom, is blocking the nomination of Peter Diamond,, a Nobel laureate from M.I.T., to the board of the Federal Reserve.

He made a brilliant explanation to the effect that the Royal Academy of Science in Sweden, the selector of the Nobel Prize, does not determine who is qualified for the board of governors of the Federal Reserve. Great logic, Dick: a Nobel Prize, in your view, is chopped liver?

Peter Diamond won his Nobel for theories on the causes of joblessness. In this harsh economic climate with 9.6% unemployment, is this professor irrelevant? Are brains irrelevant or unneeded on the Federal Reserve?

It's more partisan posturing from the G.O.P.. who currently are strutting their best preening stuff in partisan obstructionism when the country needs bipartisan cooperation to solve our many economic problems. I'm sure Peter Diamond will be confirmed, but a man of his intellectual qualifications doesn't need this nonsense.

We know what you're against--but what are you for, besides being for throwing Obama out. Senator Shelby and a gaggle of other G.O.P. geese--- for shame!

1 comment:

  1. None of that Nobel stuff offers any qualification for such a post to some of our southern brethren. What qualifies for an Obama appointment is how they feel about abortion, homosexuality, and the President himself. I'm sure Senator Shelby will not be detoured by fancy degrees or prizes for excellence in anything, from anyone and certainly not by a black man trying to appoint some unqualified academia from MIT. I'm sure Senator Shelby would rather see a tea party member get the job. OF course, much of this is speculation on my part.
