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Thursday, September 16, 2010


Time is running out on my wife's and my time in England. We've been here in our. little house in Eastbourne, East Sussex, seventy miles south of London, since late June, so it's time to come home, see children, grandchildren and friends in Ohio where I was born and lived most of my life. In the case of my British-born wife, she spent more time in Ohio than any place in her life!

We've had a wonderful summer, but it's time to come home. We leave Saturday, September 18 and will be in Ohio until October 5 when we return home to Sanibel, Florida, our delightful island paradise. We're ready for a good steak. You can get good ones here from Angus beef, but the price is really astronomical. What you can't get is a decent hamburger; somehow they mince their beef, and it just doesn't work, so that will be a priority. Plus we hope there's some good Ohio corn on the cob still around, although I know it's getting late.

I try to keep posted by internet and by some good newspapers here on what is happening at home, especially the political situation, but I know I've missed a lot. That dingaling Sarah Palin must be strutting like a peacock as her Tea Party candidates made such political headway. I cannot believe the average man is so stupid to be taken in by her jingoism and patriotic platitudes. (On second thought, maybe I can...) Remember Abe Lincoln's bit about fooling some of the people some of the time but not fooling them all of the time. I hope good sense and reason will ultimately win out.

So, we're packing up, putting the stuff we leave here away in boxes. We have two German women students coming in to rent the house two days after we leave who will stay until the university year ends in the middle of June---just when we want to return. We have been very lucky with mature students who attend the University of Brighton, Eastbourne branch where they have excellent departments in physiotherapy and podiatry. The house is perfect for a couple of people, and we love collecting rent for nine months which helps cover our summer expenses here. it's a good deal for the students, for they are exempt from council taxes (property taxes), and we only pay taxes for the time we are here.

Yes, we're ready to come home. I'll be back at you soon again!