My wife, visiting daughter and I were walking on our Florida beach this Palm Sunday afternoon. I don't know how many people we passed on the beach talking on their cell phones. My wife commented, "Why don't they just relax, why do they always have to be entertained?" I think she's right: why can't people just take a nice walk and forget the instant communication with the outside world? Don't they ever want to be by themselves or with special loved ones and enjoy the moments of privacy?
I think so many today are hooked on technology that they forget about private time. To watch the kids (and a lot of adults, too) texting each other , is frequently much ado about nothing or prattle that could be shared at another time.
I don't always want to be entertained. In this fast-paced, increasingly impersonal world, there is enought stress and anxiety that I would think it should be great for many people to walk alone with their thoughts or share them with intimates.
Greta Garbo, in her delightful Swedish accent, would say, "I vant to be alone!" I think she had something going for her.
And would somebody please tell the same people that just because your phone rings doesn't mean you have to answer it.