"She had them even before she said hello. And she had them before she prefaced her much-awaited speech by paying homage to conservative hero Ronald Reagan on what would have been his 99th birthday. By the time Sarah Palin took the stage on Saturday, the last night of the first National Tea Party Convention, the room was already with her, anticipating each dig at the "liberal left" and shout-out to "everyday people" -- and rewarding her with repeated ovations."
Guess who they are talking about? You got it, our wholesome lovable Sarah Palin in her keynote speech for the Tea Baggers!! The above bit of speech was from Politics Daily, an article reporting on that convention by Mary Curtis. The crowd went nuts and ended with mass screams for her to RUN, RUN, RUN.
It is a sign of the winter of our discontent when attacking and deriding the established power structure is very evident and fashionable. Catchy phrases, easy simplistic answers----that's food for the masses who are looking for a way out---and fast---from our economic woes. And, seizing on the people's malaise, the Tea-Baggers could turn into a powerful conservative movement with Sarah as their prophet. She is opportunistic enough to jump on that bandwagon and be their leader.
It's really scary. It's almost enough to make me yearn for return to a benevolent monarchy, but I must not give up hope. I think it was Lord Maccauley, the nineteenth century British historian , who said words to the effect that Americans reach in that great barrel called politics and usually pull out the right candidate. I don't believe Sarah Palin qualifies in that regard, and we can only hope our reach will clutch the right one.
Here's another Sarah quote from Bruce Drake's column in Politics Daily: "But those who recognize that I do have strong opinions, a very strong independent streak in me and a lot of common sense and if they ask for my help, I'm gonna give it to them." Personally, what we really need is some uncommon sense right now.
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